Useful hints

How to taste the wine

Tasting the wine is definitely the best moment of all. In this section we will talk of how to serve, choose the glass and how to approach the tasting. At this point only a basic guidance is given to gain more specific knowledge on the subject it is advisable to read specialised manuals that can be found in libraries and bookshops.

The right temperature

There are basic rules to be followed in order to avoid mistakes. Whites wines should be served at a fresh temperature (6-10°C), whereas red wine, should be served at room temperature (16-20°C). Rose' wines instead between (10-16°C). A distinction has to be made between sparkling and still wines: for the first it is advisable a lower temperature than the second. Having to taste a sparkling red wine (fizzy Lambrusco) it is advisable to let it cool a bit longer before service. In serving full bodied wines, the temperature will be higher in accordance to their structure: a full bodied white wine, has to be tasted not cool but fresh. These hints should be taken as a general rule and not in a dogmatic way: there are exceptions and personal taste to be considered. Sometime it is possible to find useful hints on the label and it is advisable to follow them.

Choosing the glass

In order to taste the wine, the choice of the glass is very important. The correct shaped glass helps one to appreciate the taste and understand the aromas of the wine. It should have a rounded shape at the bottom and become narrower at the top and it must have a pedestal stem. It is advisable to have crystal or colourless glass in order to have a better vision of the wine . The ideal shape varies according to the type of wine:

Le forme dei bicchieri

  1. TULIPANO: for light and white wines
  2. RENANO: for well structured white wines
  3. BALLON PICCOLO: for light red wines
  4. BORGOGNA: for full bodied red wines
  5. GRAND BALLON: for full bodied vintage red wines
  6. FLUTE: for dry spumanti
  7. COPPA: for sweet spumanti

Also in this case the personal preferences are subjective: the flùte, for example, gives better result to the perlage, but for others, it does not give enough space to enjoy the flavour; others prefer to drink full bodied whites with Borgogna type or even Gran Ballon glasses. It has to be said that not everyone has the possibility of having a variety of glasses at their disposal and so we would advise you to find a versatile type of glass that is adaptable for several wines. If it is true that the virtue lies in the middle, the Renano and Borgogna types are the most suitable ones.


First of all the glass must never be full to the rim, but only to a third of its capacity, in order to let the wine breathe air and to release all its aromas. After having checked the clearness and the colour, (elements already giving important indications about the quality of the wine) bring the glass to the nose holding it by the pedestal and inhale gently without shaking the wine. Like that you will be able to capture immediately the most immediate and direct perfumes. You can repeat the operation by shaking softly the contents with a rotating motion thus enabling the most penetrating perfumes to be freed. This is the moment to drink the wine. Sip a little quantity of wine and hold it in your mouth for few seconds in order to be able to recognise the tasting sensations (sweet, bitter, salted and acid). After the tasting it will be possible to perceive all the aromas through the back of the nose, being possible to catch any light nuance and aftertaste. This practice should not be accepted as a rigid ritual, but a help in appreciating the wine. Essentially everything is included in these words: look, smell and taste.


Azienda Agricola Eredi Cerutti Stocco

di Stocco Davide

Address: Fraz. Casa Nuova, 4
City: 27049 Zenevredo (PV)

Tel.: (+39) 0385/49984
Fax: (+39) 0385/651032
Mobile: (+39) 339/4323355


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